My Documentation

Documentation for

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Features

3. Technology Stack

4 . Installation

1 . Clone Repository

2 . Set Up Environment

3 .Install Plugins

4 .Database Configuration

5 .Run the Website

5 . Usage

1 . Updating Content

2 . Managing Plugins

3 . Theme Customization

4 . Adding New Projects

6 . Customization

1 . Customizing the Theme

2 . Customizing Plugins

3 . Adding Widgets

4 . Adding New Pages

7 . Contributing

1 . Fork the Repository

2 . Bug Reports

3 . Feature Requests

8 . Troubleshooting

1 . Common Errors

2 . Plugin Conflicts

3 . Theme Issues

9 . FAQ

1 . How can I reset my WordPress password?

2 . How do I add new projects?

3 . How can I improve my site’s SEO?

10 . Support

For any additional questions, support, or inquiries, please contact